Yibal, (Oman ) Days Part 1

Once upon a time.... There lived some young people in a 'city' called 'Yibalpur'. They came from different parts of a beautiful country, lured by the need of Riyal and tempted by the tricky calculation, (1 riyal= 120 multiplied by 1 Rupee).

Writer would have liked to depict the portrait of Yibalpur as a beautiful place with lot of lush greeneries, mountainous horizon kissing the sky and reflections of the sun light from the wide lake causing golden rays to fall on the bed room window, a very light and gentle breeze causing the leaves of the eukaliptus in the avenue, to dance to tunes of the mild music coming from the near by public library, ..... and the like...

But being a naturally honest person, writer feels it will be criminal to do so... Yibalpur was an utterly dry place where the only greenary was the thick bush around a sewage treatment plant which could be seen from far while driving back from the nearby town, Fahudabad. And of course, the few other flower plants in front of the 'Offices' which were watered by the camp boy Mehfooz. ( Mehfooz's efforts to grow these plants even after knowing that these plants have limited life and would die, if he don't water for a week, is remembered here with a sense of appreciation...)

Writer can not ignore the fact that there were golden rays falling on the window... yes there were.. but they were the reflections of the fire from chimney.. used for flaring the excess the gas/oil in the near by plant...

Only moving things in the vicinity are those vehicles, big and the small types and some camels... Yes... Yibalpur was in the thick of a desert, an oil rich desert, in the interiors of Oman..

Our charecters in the Story are living here, in a fully self sustained camp of thier beloved Company... The camp had almost all things that they needed, basically... For other things they found their own resources...

They all learned different things in the past and are here to make use of what they learned... some are mechanical.. some electrical and some instrumental ... and some, a combination of all these!!!!!!!

Coming up................Part 2


  1. It’s incredible and hidden skills. Keep writing. Eagerly waiting for part 2


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