89 Class Artificers and the ‘Get-Together Saga’ - Part 1 (Introduction)

89 Class Artificers and the ‘Get-Together Saga’

I belong to this wonderful group of people from pan India; Simply we are known as 89- That’s it!

We are the 89th class of Artificers who joined the Indian Navy as Apprentices in Jan 1987. Since then, we together have completed training, active service and eventually retired after completing the contracted defense service period.  Originally, we were 225- but now reduced to 214; missing 11 have left for heavenly abode earlier than expected. Out of the 214, few are non-reachable as they have ‘deserted’ from Navy long back, and lost their whereabouts, sadly!

Much later to our retirement and thanks to the social media revolution, we started communicating with each other, again through various platforms. We have rebuilt our connections on the strong foundation of our once existed emotionally bonded relations. Many of our friends resurfaced from their seclusion and stopped being ‘incommunicado’!

This phenomenon was not limited to 89 only- but across all sorts of groups who once were together, but later dismantled due to unavoidable reasons. It included school and college classmates, group of colleagues, so on and so forth..! Then the era of ‘re-unions’ began. Few of the so-called group admins turned into ‘Meetup Maestros’ role! They started organizing ‘get-togethers’ of their respective groups!

Back in 2013, 89 kicked off our legendary get-togethers, and here we are in 2024 – the epic saga continues without a hitch! Each year, it just keeps getting more awesome! Some gatherings are family affairs, while others are strictly ‘stags only’ – no exceptions!” 

These pictures and videos speaks for themselves, conveying the camaraderie of the events and the strengthening bonds and relationships we maintain.  

2013 Goa

2015 Lonavala -Near Pune

2016 Kolad, Near Mumbai, 

2017 Delhi

2018 Nandi Hills- Near Bangalore.

2019 Sundarbans -Near Kolkatta

2023 Thrissur- Kerala 

2023 Thrissur Video


This series of write ups is about such a ‘stags-only’ get-together which recently concluded with three days of non-stop fun, frolic and enjoyment! 

Few details about how we prepare ourselves for the event and the all the activities and happenings during the event days are included here. Also touched upon are certain emotional moments and heart-felt actions that the 89 have executed, which will eventually set a benchmark for many other like-minded groups in the future!

The Chingari- The Keeda

The original spark, the keeda-the worm (which bites at the hole, where you can’t resist reacting) regarding the get-together can happen to anyone.! Whenever and whoever it happen to, usually does during the evenings, after 8 pm, after gulping few pegs. No great story ever started with someone eating a salad only!

The message is immediately flashed on the WhatsApp Group.. and there is no looking back. Others start feeling the same keeda bite and the group automatically shifts into a ‘planning mode’ or ‘get-together mood’.

Guardian Superstar (GS)

89 is privileged of a Super-Human in the group, serving as the Super-Admin -the Guardian Superstar (GS) with a to-do list that could make a circus performer dizzy. His 'simple' tasks are merely managing all accounts, designing souvenirs, outfits, and T-shirts for the event, designing creative invitation messages, selecting the event location, booking hotels and resorts, arranging transportation for early birds and night owls, fixing the menu, sourcing drinks and chuknas, handling multimedia, coordinating with local classmates, fixing itineraries and activities, collecting T-shirts from suppliers, and dispatching them to the event location etc.. And as if that weren’t enough, his post-event duties involve closing accounts, couriering T-shirts to the no-shows, and bravely enduring all feedback, flak, and the occasional existential crisis from those disgruntled souls who didn't get their drink of choice or for having to share the room with a louder snorer.

Of course, others share bigger responsibilities and the herculean tasks of booking the tickets and attending the party!- BRAVO to them!!👏👏👏👏

89 Pride-Super Admin- The Guardian Superstar (GS)

An example of a video designed by GS

Milte hein, break ke baad, with Part- 2.

If you may like, please post your comments.



  1. Bang Bang !! Santosh... Keep it going Bro. Loved it. So much of thought process goes into creating a page filled with so many memories. This is just starting. Intro is superb.

  2. Nice memories catches up and great going. It’s nice that all those who never attended also attended this latest Aarku Valley


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