89 Class Artificers and the ‘Get-Together Saga’ - Part 5 - The Conclusion-never ends!


89 Class Artificers and the ‘Get-Together Saga’ - Part 5-the Conclusion- Saga continues..!

After we all returned from the Pinery, it was time for pre-lunch drinks and swimming pool masthi followed by the Lunch.!

Swimming pool masthi is an unavoidable component of any 89 Get-Together! A swimming pool or any water body, where people can plunge into is a checkbox item, mandated for the Get-Together! Splashing around in the waters along with pre-lunch drinks is a great way to have fun and rejuvenate.

Photos say it all- No Caption required

Later part of the evening, was more relaxing, chatting about rather serious stuff around round tables!

All ears to the 'SPIRITUAL' Talks

01 Sept - Third and Final Day

Its time for us to say goodbye to Araku and return to Vizag. After the wonderful south Indian breakfast, we all boarded the bus for the return. Return journey was relatively relaxing. Few were trying to sleep, but the active and naughty ones wouldn’t allow them to. 

On the way back, we had some stop over for the road side stretches and leaks. The misty climate along the road obstructed  the panoramic long view of the valley, but was out of the ordinary and provided the much required cooling effect.

Signature step of 89

Sailors' Institute

Thanks to 89’s one and only Naval Attache, Dinesh Mehta who has arranged a visit and stopover lunch break at the Eastern Naval Command Sailors Institute (SI) TARANG.  As in the name may indicate, this ‘Institute’, is not engaged in any activities related to academics, education or research.

Sailors from nearby ships and Naval bases gather in the SI for their evening bash outs and recreation– Its Liberty time! Liberty from their rather tough Naval duties and responsibilities! A place to meet with their ‘batchies’ posted in other ships and engage in celebrations and vent their frustrations etc. Usually, the place is crowded on weekends, and on the days when the Ships return from long sailing.

At the SI, we all have indulged in some Pre-Lunch Drinks along with the tasty sacks, chana fry and boiled eggs, and typical Naval Lunch! 

Thank you Bharat Bhushan, for coming over to meet all of us!

For any Sailor, SI is a place connected with numerous nostalgic memories – of their growing up in the Service- growing up from Beer to the Old Monk-promotions from a Junior sailor to Senior Sailor.- Transition from ‘In-living to ‘MLR’, -Moving from sharing accommodation to owning a family quarter- buying a bajaj chethak – escaping from a defaulter-  receiving another IN 52- passing of a swimming test- -  GCB milne ka khusi, GCB jaane ka ghum- celebration of going on annual leave—Occasions to celebrate or grieve about are limitless!

Our visit to the SI invoked numerous such memories in all of us. All the while, we also have maintained the service decorum, and remained disciplined, for a change!! 

During our days, the atmosphere in any SI, whether in Vizag, Mumbai, Goa, or any other location, was always the same—noisy and a bit chaotic, unorganised! It’s impressive to see the tremendous improvements in the arrangements and interior setup at the Vizag SI named ‘Tarang,’ which now almost looks like a 3-star hotel. Very happy for the current sailors!

Grand Finale: Visit to the TU142 Museum

The grand finale of the get-together was to take place at the famous Rama Krishna Beach (RK Beach) in Vizag. RK Beach is a long stretch of coastline very close to the city, featuring many monuments, statues of prominent leaders, naval museums, war memorial, and other places of interest. 

At RK Beach War Memorial

We reached RK beach, by evening. Our main purpose of visiting RK beach was not for the usual wave counting and silver sand experience, that one enjoys in the seashores. We are here, particularly to visit the TU142 Aircraft Museum.  TU 142 M was an anti-submarine aircraft deployed by the Indian Navy during 1989 to 2017.

Following their decommissioning, this colossal aircraft and another sub-marine (INS Kursura) were transformed into a public museum and positioned at RK Beach. They now offers visitors and public, a unique opportunity to delve into the maritime and naval aviation history and understand how the Indian Navy has vigilantly protected its extensive coastline with its formidable fleet of ships and aircraft. 

Converting these huge vessels and aircraft into museums and maintaining them 'spick and span'  is not only a great tribute to them but also a significant honor to those ex-servicemen who have relentlessly shed their sweat and blood in their youthful life, in service to the Nation- that include me and many of 89 Aviators from all branches. – THANK YOU INDIAN NAVY for this monumental decision! 

It was another deeply emotional journey, touching the ‘albatross’ bird, walking through the once-familiar technical compartments and bomb bays, and making my way to the cockpit. Once again, I could see and feel those, spinners, propellers, engines, landing gears, aircrew seats, control columns and panels, and every part of the aircraft that had been such a significant part of my life. The memories came flooding back, each step a touching reminder of the dedication and camaraderie shared with my fellow servicemen. 

We, the ex-312 squadron mates, were probably louder and in a state of ecstasy, trying to explain to our classmates how everything functioned, its purpose, and all the technical details. Seeing us explaining, some of the civilian visitors also started engaging with us. They were inquisitive and wanted to know more about the aircraft and its role. One of the visitors from J&K even wanted to take photos with us.! We were becoming heroes for them!  

During service years, cameras were a luxury, and mobile phones were non-existent, and therefore no photos in my albums, that were taken with the aircraft. All the memories were stored only in our minds. Revisiting the TU142 Museum, brought back those memories even better than any photo album or video clip ever could. 

It was sweet of you, Venkat for coming over with sweets! 

RK beach was still hustling with activities, with lot of families and visitors flocking to this happening place!  The Sun disappearing into the Bay of Bengal should have painted the eastern horizon like a saffron-red canvas. But the thick dark clouds descended over the seas,  casted shadows, just like the heaviness in our hearts as we prepared to depart.  

Overcast skies and minds

Sadly, but inevitably, it is nearing time for many of us to depart to our respective homes. It’s time for heartfelt hugs and promises to stay in touch. There is a tinge of sadness to depart, but there is also hope that its just matter of few months, we will have another similar gathering at another location… may be with more friends and families!

There have been concerns of delays or cancelations to the trains and flights because of thunder showers and floodings in other parts of the region. This has affected and disrupted the return journey schedule for many. Guys got busy with their rearrangements. Few staying back until next day got busy with the remaining bottles and glasses!

89- The Brand! 

89 has pulled off one of the best get-togethers yet again. Each time we raise the bar in the way we organize these get togethers. We are a brand, ourselves! 

Year by Year souvenirs!

89 Brand- Cheers - Celebrate the spirit of our brotherhood!

It was my turn to say, ‘see you soon’, and there I am on the back of PSN Murthy’s scooter, passing through the 104 Area, SVN Colony, where I lived for few months in 2000 to 2002. As we drove across this place to the Vizag Airport, I saw those navy quarters where I stayed with Bidha and Malu, just prior to my retirement from Navy! My first Indian Passport was issued against this address, which helped me transition from the defense world to the larger civil world overseas! That was the place, Malu, (now Dr. Malavika Santhosh), took her first step into a Play School. Here she auspiciously commenced her ‘Vidyarambham’ by learning “Hari- Shree” at the Ayyappa Temple. It was truly a reminiscing moment- connecting with my past, flipping through my mental album. 

It’s time to draw this blog series to a conclusion. 

Thanks to all my beloveds who joined this get-together physically at Vizag and mentally through reading this series of blogs. The very purpose of capturing this get together in this blog is to ensure that these memories remain online forever. I am aware that only very few have read through this long narration. But I believe that some decades later, some of our grandchildren may come across this write up, learn about 89 and the special relationship we nourished and nurtured all along and may even plant a sapling on the name of 89!  

At times, I may have used phrases and sentences that could be construed as glorifying alcoholism and encouraging drinking habits. Let me clarify that this is not my intention at all. Enjoy your drinks and have fun responsibly!

89 is a mix variety of personalities-a cross section of the society – needless to say!  There are many who are very enthusiastic and active, vociferous, and expressive; some naughty and purposely irritating, but soft and supportive! There are also many silent, calm and composed ones who quietly attend the get-togethers, enjoying the events and every moment. Sincere apologies for not naming each and everyone in this series. Everyone is truly amazing; everyone’s attendance adds value. Once they are in the 89's T shirts, all are ONE AMONG THE EQUALS! 

This blog series conclude here... nevertheless the 89 Get Together Saga shall continue!

Jai Hind!

Essayes, by SAS!


  1. Bravo Zulu, wishing the beautiful saga of this glorious relationship continues not only until the last man is standing but into the next generation as well. Excellently captured every moment of the event.


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