
Dear All, We had a trip to Oman, last week and to tell you that in one word, it was Oh-Man!!! For me, it was revisiting my dusted memories, but for my wife and kids, a wonderful eventful enjoyable break. This trip was in our mind pending decision since many months. A string of holidays thanks to F1 race in Abu Dhabi followed by Eid Al Adha and a newly purchased Pajero fuelled our decision. And formal invitations from beloved friends played catalystic roles too. Packed up and doubly checked, ( Not to forget valid passports and vehicle registration card with insurance coverage in Oman) we set our course to Hatta , UAE-Oman Boarder on Friday 12 Nov morning at 0930 hrs, taking Hatta-Al Ain Exit from Sh.Zaid Road near JAFZA. This road leads to DIP R/A and from there staight to Dubai By Pass Road ( Jabel Ali- Lehbab Raod). Excellent roads with 3 lane dual carriage ways with speed limits of 120kmph and with runway like conditions will tempt anyone to press the gas and test the ...